The Art of Sauna Building: The Complete Sauna Building Book: How to Plan, Build and use an Authentic Traditional Sauna
Secrets of good sauna building from a master sauna builder – Bert (Pertti) Olavi Jalasjaa! This How to build a sauna book covers everything you need to know about saunas building. If you plan plan on building a sauna then you must read this book. The sauna building book covers a brief history of Sauna, the different styles of Saunas and heaters, types of Saunas available, planning of the Sauna room, how the Sauna is actually built, and how to finish off your sauna so it is ready to fire up for the first time. The book has plans for different sized sauna rooms with different features – it really is the all encompassing how to build a sauna book.
- Page Count: 88
- Type: Paperback
- Author: Bert (Pertti) Olavi Jalasjaa